One of the best ways to understand a business line of credit is by comparing it to a credit card. Like a credit card, a line of credit only charges your business interest on what’s actually borrowed. In contrast, a traditional loan gives you a lump sum and requires you to pay it back (with interest) through scheduled payments.
A business line of credit lets you draw from an open credit line as needed. As the money and interest are paid back, the available funds are replenished. The pool of money available to pull from depends on your business partner, but having more money is always preferable, as it lets your business adapt to more situations.
The funds can be accessed in numerous ways, but the most common methods include:
- Business Checking Accounts
- Credit Cards
- Mobile Apps
There are two types of credit lines:
Secured Lines of Credit: This uses collateral that you own as a guarantee for your loan. If you fail to pay back your loan, the lender will seize that collateral to satisfy the outstanding debt you could not pay.
Unsecured Lines of Credit: Because it doesn’t use collateral, it is harder to acquire and charge higher interest rates because it’s riskier for the lender.
The right choice for you will depend on your business’s needs.